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Christmas is just around the corner. And so, we thought the time is right to look back at some of our favourite posts.

Our holiday schedule

We all deserve a break — even orthodontists! So, before we reminisce, to follow are the days that we are closed during the holidays:

  • Last day: Friday the 21st of December (close at 12 pm)
  • Reopening: Monday the 14th of January.

Look after your braces

It’s easy to let your guard down during the holidays. You’ll probably try different foods and slip out of your daily routine. We’d hate for a braces a malfunction to spoil your holiday fun, so here are some things you can do to ensure you don’t run into any orthodontic problems:

  • Get a braces ‘warrant of fitness’ — if you’ll be out of town for a while, see your orthodontist before you leave to make sure everything is in place.
  • Put together a holiday hygiene kit — this should include a travel toothbrush, dental floss and orthodontic wax.
  • Avoid certain foods — foods to avoid include corn on the cob, nuts and boiled lollies.

For more information about preparing for the holidays, read this post.

3 nearly invisible braces

Is your New Year’s resolution to do something about your crooked teeth? Good on you! If you’re an adult, though, you may be worried about how you will look wearing braces. After all, looks are important in the grown-up world. In reality, increasingly more people are getting braces later in life thanks largely to the several nearly invisible options of braces available. In this post, we explain three of these options.

Do you have to wear a retainer?

In case you don’t know, the purpose of a retainer, usually made or wire or plastic, is to hold your teeth in place after your orthodontist has removed your braces.

Around 10 – 15 years ago, many orthodontists didn’t tell their patients to wear a retainer. However, research shows that there is always the chance that your teeth will move post-treatment. So, ideally, you should wear a retainer for a couple of nights a week for a lifetime.

In this post, we explain:

  • How retainers work
  • For how long you should wear them
  • What happens if you don’t wear a retainer for a short period.

Merry Christmas!

Finally, on behalf of the team at Totara Orthodontists, have a brilliant Xmas and New Year!

Book a Consultation today!